Valentine's sets have begun arriving at our door and they are absolutely adorable! Here are two recent sessions Izzy did for some upcoming eBay launches. The first is from Aimee of sewgirlygirl. It is the sweetest three piece set made of different toiles, polka dots, and reds. The second deco set is from wifeandmotherofpilots. CUTE hearts made from gorgeous fabrics and soft minky. Love them both and I think Izzy is starting to get the knack for this modeling stuff!
Aren't these the two cutest little bookends!? These girls just turned one last week and I had the privilege of photographing them in their pretty holiday dresses. They were so adorable and had such personality! Thanks to their super mom who made the session quick and easy for us!
Izzy had a blast this Halloween. What a difference a year makes. A 2 year old suddenly discovers the love of sweet treats and how to con people our of multiple pieces instead of just one! She looked sweet in her Dorthoy costume and even carried her basket FULL of candy the whole time by herself (would NOT let it go). Someone asked me if she had even seen The Wizard of Oz and if she had been scared. Let's just say when the wicked with cackled out loud Izzy laughed along with her. Should I be worried....? Of course I had to take a few pictures in the studio before we went out for a night of fun.
Izzy has had the opportunity to model a bunch of lounge sets recently. Not only are they adorable they are all super comfortable! LOVE those eBay designers who can combine cuteness with comfort! These are going to be perfect this winter.
Isn't he SOOO sweet?!? I am so so behind on my editing but I'm trying to play catch up this week. I promise Baby B's momma that I will have them done real soon! Here's a few from his session that are sure to provide some big smiles.
I've always loved art. But as we get older a lot of us forget and trade in our paintbrushes and crayons for other toys. I recently had the opportunity to pick up my brushes again and participate in a collaboration with Jena of sweet*bows*4*sweetpeas*boutique and Molly of KC*ME to design a tote that matches Gymboree's new Holiday Friend line. Here's a look at what we came up with! To see all our auctions search Boutique OJM on eBay. The twirl skirt is so, so cute and you can tell she loved wearing it. The bows that Jena makes are always PERFECT and beautifully made. The tote will be customized with the name of the winning bidder!
She makes the BEST clippies!!! They are beautiful, easy to wear and her prices are unbeatable! We have been so lucky to have Jess send us this big box of goodies to model. It was like Christmas opening up her package. Here's a few pictures to share. Go check out her etsy store here.
Here are a few photos to share from Miss N's photo session. She was a month old here. I know I'm SOOO behind on editing!!! Hope you like them Kare Bear! The rest are ready for you to view. :)
We were fortunate enough to model these darling crocheted hats for Off the Hook Children's Boutique. Lauren is the desinger and she is one of the sweetest ladies in the eBay and etsy community. Go check out her blog here and her etsy store here. Here are a few pictures of her gorgeous crocheted hats, great for your little one this winter. Believe me when I say that if you have a 2 year old who takes everything and anything off their head, they will wear these! Mine loves hers!
We're doing a lot of Christmas modeling lately. In the world of eBay Christmas shopping begins in early September. Here's a recent outfit by Punky Fae Designs that Izzy modeled. Unfortunately in Houston there are so many trees that have fallen and areas that just aren't what they used to be so we used our backyard for these. More to come soon! I've been busy editing away every chance I get!
My little Izzy is turning 2 tomorrow. I can't believe it...she is such a little girl now. She plays with her dolls, feeding them all the time and taking them for walks in their strollers, she loves to dance, sing, and her vocabulary is just unbelievable! One of her favorite things is to watch Blue's Clues on video. Yes, the old Steve ones (we aren't huge fans of Joe). In fact some say my husband resembles good old Steve. Maybe that's why she loves him??? So to honor the big 2 we decided to have a Blue's Clue's party. Unfortunately nasty Ike had other plans and threw us for a loop. Our party had to be canceled. Luckily we headed to Tyler, TX where some of Izzy's cousins live and had a family party there. Woo hoo!!! Ike even made an appearance half way through and decided to take our lights away. Who needs lights when you have birthday candles!!! Here's my big, little Izzy at her party. Sorry if they are really grainy! These were taken on auto in real low light conditions because of the power outage and no flash on hand. A 2 year old just moves WAY to quick! :)
Oh, and if you decide to leave a little birthday wish for Izzy (which I will read to her) I'll do a random drawing at the end of the week and send the winner a little prize! :) A Happy Birthday present to YOU! (and I promise it won't be a handy dandy noteboook!)
I haven't shared any new pictures in awhile so I thought I'd post a few of Izzy's recent modeling. I promise to have a few new sessions posted soon! But the exciting part of this post...I can post pictures larger now!!! Woo hoo! I thought about going back to resize all my older posts but I figure it shows progression (or maybe some may call it pure laziness). :)
Oh, and a quick story about the pictures of Izzy on the white porch. My friend and I found a bed and breakfast in the Historic Heights district to use for a prefect location for that dress she is modeling. I even got the Inn Keeper's permission to use it. Well, his wife came home about 30 minutes later and decided to charge us $100/hour for using the porch. No thank you! We were done with the shoot right then and there. :)
When my friend Matt asked me to take pictures of his daughter Grace I was really excited. I had seen pictures of her but never have had the pleasure to meet her. She is absolutely breath taking gorgeous! And 6?! She acts like she's 16 and looks much older too. Better keep leash on this little lady Matt cause she is going to be a knock out! Here's a preview of our session...