Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby!!!

My little Izzy is turning 2 tomorrow. I can't believe it...she is such a little girl now. She plays with her dolls, feeding them all the time and taking them for walks in their strollers, she loves to dance, sing, and her vocabulary is just unbelievable! One of her favorite things is to watch Blue's Clues on video. Yes, the old Steve ones (we aren't huge fans of Joe). In fact some say my husband resembles good old Steve. Maybe that's why she loves him??? So to honor the big 2 we decided to have a Blue's Clue's party. Unfortunately nasty Ike had other plans and threw us for a loop. Our party had to be canceled. Luckily we headed to Tyler, TX where some of Izzy's cousins live and had a family party there. Woo hoo!!! Ike even made an appearance half way through and decided to take our lights away. Who needs lights when you have birthday candles!!! Here's my big, little Izzy at her party. Sorry if they are really grainy! These were taken on auto in real low light conditions because of the power outage and no flash on hand. A 2 year old just moves WAY to quick! :)

Oh, and if you decide to leave a little birthday wish for Izzy (which I will read to her) I'll do a random drawing at the end of the week and send the winner a little prize! :) A Happy Birthday present to YOU! (and I promise it won't be a handy dandy noteboook!)







Moments Photography said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAT IZZY you gorgeous girl!! :) Hope all your birthday wishes come true!! We love you!!

Tracy and Kylie

poshprettiesbyjen said...

Happy Birthday IZZY!! She looks like a little Mommy holding that baby opening her gifts...all good mommies can multi-task!! The outfit is TDF...

The Miller 6 said...

Happy Birthday Cutie! I hope you had a great day--make sure mommy and daddy spoil you rotten :) Olivia, I love the one where her and daddy have frosting all over their faces! Great photography!


Janelle (and Jillian)

Michele said...

Hope you have a super sweet birthday sweet girl.
Watch for the mail in a couple of days, ok!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you from your "Aunt Jill"... wishing you all the cupcakes and kisses in the world today! I can't believe you're two already!!
Love you Izzy!

ellafaith*designs said...

Happy Birthday to my good friend, Izzy! I wish I could have been there to help you celebrate! =) Come down to SA again sometime and we'll play!


Anonymous said...

Feliz cumpleaños to Izzy from her mom's friend Catalina (& from Mark as well).

Hugs to all of you!

Beth O said...

HaPpY bIrThDaY sweet Izzy!! I hope your day was as amzing as you are!!!

BiG, bIg hugs sweetie!

Beth & Cayla